Thursday, February 4, 2010

On the airplane again

Seems to me that I would get a lot more writing done if I flew around more. On my way home this morning, back from a week in Alabama.

I have missed my girls this week. I don't like not seeing them everyday. Ella is getting bigger everyday. She is almost three and a half months old now. I guess it will never slow down. Can't wait to take it easy with them for a few days. I am so blessed.

Got to visit Lynchburg yesterday. Man I love that place. The Tennessee hills are truly God's country. I want to buy about 100 acres out there.

Emily and I have been really praying for God to show us a clear path in the last three weeks. I have never wanted to move back home as much a I do now. Not sure why but it's true. Of course we both submit to the fact that we are ultimately not steering the ship, we are simply the crew. You see, He sets the course, but it our job to set the sails and rudder.

Sometimes I think people get mixed up about this principle. We are not simply passengers on God's journey through history. We aren't here to sit idle and stare out the window until we get to the destination. We are the co-pilots. The master planner crafts the plan and sheds light on which direction to head, but it's our responsibility to act on the guidance we've been given.

Just some random ramblings from 34,000 ft above reality.
